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Graduate: At the University of Arizona I was primarily responsible for teaching the Economics of Information (Econ 501C), which is the third course in the Graduate micro sequence, and for teaching Advanced Micro Theory (auction theory). In the MBA program I have taught Managerial Economics. At UTS I taught PhD Game Theory.

Undergraduate: At the undergraduate level I have taught Intermediate Microeconomics (Econ 361), Experimental Economics, Game Theory, and a course on Information Economics on the Internet. (The Internet Economics course was developed jointly with Stan Reynolds and Mark Walker.) At HKUST I taught Introductory Microeconomics (Econ 110) and Game Theory (Econ 360).

Experiments and Teaching: In-class experiments are often useful (and fun) when teaching microeconomics and game theory. The Economic Science Lab, through Econport, offers a collection of experiments on markets, auctions, and normal form games (NFG), which can be run either in the laboratory or over the Web. The NFG software was developed, in part, under my NSF grant with Mark Walker. Charles Holt has developed Veconlab, a collection of web-based economics experiments, that are great for teaching. It includes experiments on auctions, bargaining, and markets, as well as other topics.

Research and Teaching: I find it very gratifying that some of my research has already found its way into undergraduate instruction. Dixit and Skeath’s book Game Theory discusses my paper Minimax Play at Wimbledon (AER, 2001) with Mark Walker, when motivating the use of mixed strategies. (This paper was recently mentioned in the N. Y. Times, in an article titled “Subconsciously, Athletes May Play Like Statisticians.”)


Asian School in Economic Theory, Jan. 6-10, 2025

Dual Auctions for Assigning Winners and Compensating Losers (with Matt van Essen) accepted at Economic Theory.

Expertise, Gender, and Equilibrium Play (with Romain Gauriot and Lionel Page), Quantitative Economics, 14 (2023), pp. 981-1020.

The newly-established Center of Behavioral Institutional Design.

Allocating Positions Fairly: Auctions and Shapley Value (with Matt Van Essen), Journal of Economic Theory 196 (2021), pp. 1-47.

Haifa-NYUAD Joint Seminar in Economics

From Auctions with a Buy Price (with Stan Reynolds), Economic Theory 38 (2009), 9-39.

From Dissolving A Partnership Dynamically (with Matt Van Essen), Journal of Economic Theory 166 (2016), pp. 212–241.

From Blind Stealing: Experience and Expertise in a Mixed-Strategy Poker Experiment (with Matt Van Essen), Games and Economic Behavior 91 (2015), pp. 186-206.

From Dynamic Markets for Lemons: Performance, Liquidity, and Policy Intervention (with Diego Moreno), Theoretical Economics 11 (2016), pp. 601-639.

From Expertise, Gender, and Equilibrium Play (with Romain Gauriot and Lionel Page), 2022.